Are any of you are having problems branched hair? If so, the only way to get rid of split ends is to cut it. Because basically, hair that has been branching will not be reunited again.
However, before branching your hair, it is better to prevent it in advance. Here are some tips to prevent split ends.
Use Conditioner
Shampoo alone will not help reduce the occurrence of split ends. We also need to use conditioner. Use your favorite conditioner with protein to nourish the hair. let stand at least 3-5 minutes then rinse. Do not forget to use serum or hair vitamins thereafter.
Do not comb too fast !
Combing is an important ritual for hair. not only make the hair regularly, but also distribute the natural oils from the scalp to the hair ends. These natural oils will make the end of the hair which is usually branched into more moist and protected. So, make it a habit from now to comb the hair more painstaking again.
Use a hair mask
Avoid Heat
Looks easy right?
Let's take care of your hair so that no branching!