So fashion bloggers, not only about the mix and match, concept photos, endorsed and stuff like that. lets see, good and not so fashion blogger delish!
Scrolling a fashion blog is often a successful professional blogger makes us drool with elegant clothes, cute clothes, style out of the box and the concept of cool photos. But it turns out, so fashion bloggers not only about things like that. Along with the many benefits to be had, there are also disadvantages. Let us read, tasty and delicious so fashion bloggers.
So advantages Fashion Blogger

# 1 Admired By Peoples
If you are a fashion blogger who has quite a lot of regular readers, it is proof that your style is admired by many people. There may be some of those who follow the style that you post on your blog when out of the house, or there are just admire the way you mix and match outfits. A fashion blogger, a lot must be proud of this fact. If you like fashion, of course, is a pride that fashion styles you get recognition and inspire many people, is not it?
# 2 Expanding Connections
It was not unusual for a blogger to have many fellow bloggers as well. Blogger is known as how someone pours passion as well as how to get a lot of new friends with each other to visit each blog. This applies also for fashion bloggers. So you can get acquainted with people who have the same interests and hobbies with you.
# 3 Sponsorship and Endorsement

Ya, that so many bloggers motive recently. The outbreak of the system of sponsorship and endorsements in Indonesia (although these systems are already well-known in advance abroad) of various brands ranging from national and international brands. If your blog many regular visitors, sponsored by the well-known brand or perhaps your favorite, no longer a dream. Tasty yah?
Not Good Be a Fashion Blogger
# 1 Most Experienced Theft Photos By Person Not Responsible
If photos of fashion you have a cool concept, with good photographic techniques and high-resolution photos, you will definitely become targets people who are not responsible for this. If your picture is not used for commercial purposes and include the source may not be anything. But what is common is to use the personal photo is not responsible for commercial purposes, without acknowledgment of the source of your blog. But do not worry, this will not happen to you that only the photos in the garage of the house with a camera phone. If you find the photos you good concept and do not want anyone not liable to abuse, you can use a watermark on your photos.
# 2 Paltry Considered By Some People Who Do not Understand

Not everyone understands how deep you have to understand fashion to become a fashion professional blogger. Some well-known fashion bloggers claim often labeled shallow. This stamp appears possible because of a fashion blogger looks just thinking of materials such as clothes, bags, accessories and the like. Though it is only natural. More looks like a form of repressed envy. Try it, if food bloggers think of tasty foods every day, what would be labeled as well? Fashion bloggers are very good and professional attention to concepts and consistency of style that they visualize in their blogs. It is not possible for a fashion blogger can make used clothing looks like an expensive item on their blog. It requires a high creativity and passion in to fashion. So do not view them next to the eye simply because they are beautiful and always photographed in her clothes are unique and beautiful.
There are advantages, there are also disadvantages. There is good, there is also the downside. It is all part of life, including when we live blogging or whatever we like. The important thing is how we can remain ourselves, and live our lives without too much looking to the right and to the left. Live it, what you like and you trust. Okay, ladies?